Most computers are modular by design and build. If an internal system part or component fails - it can often easily be replaced with a new one. This also means that you can upgrade and mod your computer if you want to improve its performance.
Possible Upgrades:
Supply and fit additional System Memory (RAM)*
One of the simplest and most cost-effective upgrades for a computer that’s fine for your current needs - but could do with a little more performance – especially when you notice sluggish performance when you have a number of applications and programs running at the same time - is to increase the amount of system memory (RAM) installed.
Supply and fit a larger capacity Hard Drive*
Are you running out of hard drive space for all your files and personal data? Well, you have a couple of options:
- You can buy an external hard drive and transfer all your personal files onto this drive – freeing up space on your internal drive.
- Or you can fit an additional internal hard drive (subject to space in your computer’s case) and transfer all your personal files to this drive.
- Lastly, you can have your entire computer software system (operating system, files, pictures, videos, etc.) cloned onto a larger capacity hard drive.
You might also want to consider replacing your current laptop's or PC's hard drive with a newer Solid-State Drive (SSD). SSD hard drives offer performance improvements and silent operation - compared to conventional mechanical hard drives. At present, SSD drives are more expensive than conventional mechanical drives with the same capacity - but SSD hard drive prices continue to fall as more manufacturers enter the market.
* Applies to most PCs, Laptops/Notebooks/NetBooks and Apple Macs.
Other possible component upgrades:
Build a Custom PC
Savoir Technology can also build brand new custom PCs based on your parts specification and performance needs. Contact me for more details and to discuss your requirements.
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Sundays: Subject to Availability
Excluding Public Holidays